Saturday, September 26, 2009

subway lullaby

one evening from about three weeks ago,
i was tired, lonely, decked in grey and on a train. gloomed by daylight and paled by overwhelming vexation from thoughts of "if i'd make it in time for work today."

i never do.

sitting beside me was a newspaper reading old man who dressed like urban broadway and whom existence i wouldn't think i'd ever care about.

while i was getting up to leave and still on my music player, he turned to me and said "I hope you have a good day". the tone of his voice so full of heart they clapped like happy cannons through my earphones which before so, were playing in my ears music that was so deafeningly sad they could raise a dead.

i smiled.
How are you?
It's been too long!
Hows it goin?
What have you been up to?

Person X: