Tuesday, September 16, 2008

fact is, i've already caught the movie thrice

sunday while in the car and on our way to sweet c's place....
(i'm sorry but we really do call each other baby ALOT)

Tia: bebe, have u already caught wall-e?
Chern: nope
T: would you still want to catch it?
C: of course! we made a promise we'd catch it together, right?
T: haha yes baby.. but.. could they have already ended the run?
T: it's been awhile
C: nope they haven't, i've been checking
T: wow, really?
C: yes baby.
T: wow but.. it's been so long i thought you wouldn't wanna catch it anymore..

C: what are you talking about baby? didn't i promise i'd catch it with you? my friends have been trying to have me watch the movie with them and everyone around me's caught it. but i told everybody that i've promised someone-else to watch with her.

T: . . . . WOW baby you know, i was given tickets to the exclusive wall-e premier party BUT, i rejected my friend cos i never forgot about our promise to catch the film together.
see... because of you!

Both: AWWWWW *big hug*

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