59 things i want to tell somebody but i cant but would someday have him know anyway
- i was attempting to write you a love letter
- i tried following an author's template
- i failed
- i want you to trust me
- yes, we've been talkin
- but hey, its just talkin'
- the only occupant of my heart, is still you
- i can't help it
- i can't imagine ever having u outta my life
- in fact, i think about moving along all the time
- but i can't imagine ever leaving you behind
- truth is, i don't wish to
- love sucks, true love swallows
- in our case, this is true
- one tree hill blows
- chad michael murray's character in the show's a douche
- you should be ashamed how much you find yourself to be like him
- he is definitely not a model example of a man for you to follow
- i think you're really dumb
- but i think about you all.the.fuckin'time
- i like it when im starin' into space and lying right by you
- actually, all those times ive had you wonderin', i was thinkin' bout you
- your kissing skills have greatly improved
- i enjoy your kisses alot more now than i do before
- you secretly, stereotypically fancy females of my type, i know
- with my type, i meant quirky
- you should like me alot more cos im half insane
- im quite awesome
- i'm not demanding, i don't have a temper
- your nose is full of blackheads
- it makes you quite disgusting
- you've got a vanishing jawline
- i would suggest for you to start watching what you eat
- i think your immature pecs are the cutest
- but i'd still like for you to really workout more
- is frustrates me when i feel like you dont care
- frustrates me even more when carrie&big reminds me of you&me
- sometimes when i think about us, i beam like a fool
- i've been beaming like a fool for about a year now
- how's driving?
- i hope army in september wouldn't take too much of you away from me
- i hate how im not getting to spend enough time with you
- you're my porker
- so even if zhijian is gay like you you're still better off being with me
- im curious about how you feel. but it makes me afraid
- honestly, that other night you were in your beanie, you looked so cute you blew me away
- your hair sucks btw
- i think you're weird and i don't know how we'd ever fit together
- remember valentine's? (hehe)
- you hair feels soft like my make-up brush
- now i feel like touchin' it
- actually, i just want to touch you
- no, seriously. touch me?
- do you ever realise how you'd miss me and like me alot better when i'm not with you
- i get so hungry at work sometimes
- i'd really love for you to visit me at work someday
- i can't wait to show you off to the world, like a proud, special friend
- please move to katong. or never have your parents leave you and leon to share a room.
- okay. got food?
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