Wednesday, May 28, 2008

this made me smile....

J: i was thinking bout that time
J: hahah when was it.
J: june 29th
J: or was it may 29th
J: hahahah
J: wait let me remember

T: oohhhmmyyyggoodd 4 years ago
T: and you reemmmmmmeemberrrr !

J: yesss i remember
J: i even remember what we wore
J: damn loser hahahaha

T: its JULY 31ST i am going to kill you

J: hahah i remember you insisted you had thunder thighs
J: but i didnt think so.
J: hahahahah

T: and then i invited you
T: bcos

J: cause you invited B and B
J: and felt it was weird if i didnt get the invite
J: hahahahhaa

T: hahahhaa yes
T: lol
T: and you were wearing a RED polo
T: rightt?

J: yesssss
J: from hush puppy
J: hahhhahaa

T: hahaha you're crazy la eh i even have the neoprint still

J: hahahaha what crazy you then more crazy

.... =)

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